Soul Second Birth & Gradual Progress Of Man | Wajid Nabi

The design of the Almighty Who has created the soul from the body with his perfect power appears to be that the second birth of the soul should also take place through the body. The movements of the soul follow the movements of the body. If the body is drawn in a particular direction the soul automatically follows it. It is, therefore, a function of the Book of God to direct
itself to the natural state of man: that is why the Holy Book pays so much attention to the reform of the natural state of man and gives directions with regard to every one of his actions, his laughing, crying, eating, drinking, dressing, sleeping, speaking, keeping silent, marrying, remaining celibate, walking, standing
still, outward cleanliness, bathing, submitting to a discipline in health and in illness etc. It affirms that man’s physical condition affects his spiritual condition
deeply. I cannot undertake a detailed exposition of all those directions as time is not available for such an undertaking.

When I reflect upon the Holy Word of God, it becomes clear to me how He bestows on man, through His teachings, rules for the reform of his natural condition and then gradually lifts him upwards and desires to raise him to the highest spiritual state, I
realize that the principle of profound spiritual insight [underlying the following Divine Scheme] is that first God desires to teach man the rules of social behaviour
like sitting, standing, eating, drinking, talking etc., and thus to deliver him from a state of barbarism and distinguish him from the animals and thus bestow upon
him an elementary moral state which might be described as social culture. He then desires to regulate his elementary moral habits so that they should acquire the
character of high moral qualities. Both these methods are part of the same process as they are related to the reform of man’s natural condition. There is between them a difference only of degree. The All-Wise One has so arranged the moral system that man should be able to rise from a low to a high moral condition.


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