Defining Moment Marketing

 Your idealism should be confined inside your body. The power of thinking, planning and execution is not inspired by outsides exemplary personalities but sparked by the inside disciplinary intention and identity based habits collaborate with your prime goals.

Your inspiration must be your behavior which accelerates the behaviours of rest. Your robust existentialism of intention and the deepest denial to ego must be your hallmark. Your originality in assertions and remarks defines the new horizons of saying to motivate outstanding rather replicate the quotes. Considering yourself the primary sources of evolution should be the criteria of your personality rather being the middle man of just conveying messages.

Your thoughts arisen process must be clear in such extent that flow remains ordinary course of business rather creating specific environment to indulge in it. The fundamental principles of success and failure are not only know by almost but also acclaimed to be pursued but merely 2% of such gigantic population is remotely or nearly planning, organising, executing and controlling the remaining 98%. Being 2 % does not need to listen Motivational lectures, success stories but the internal fire must be set.

Your single moment will bring the defining, promising and conclusive change in your life. Such event would definitely cause either pleasure which your wish to prolong therefore struggle to bring flow in it or pain which you surely be relived as possible, hope which must be turned into materialistic inference or fear which by hook or crook would be extinguished, acceptance or rejection on the ground of social pressure.

Seeking such transformational moment will be your identity creation opportunity so never curse such moment in case of pain, fear or rejection and YES never get into motion rather action in case of Pleasure, hope or acceptance. Such moment causes the adoption of Consistency, discipline and habitual behavior with Progressive Intention. Remember, having sought such moment and failed to transform such opportunity into identity recognition moment throw into the Earth of 98%.

Thought leads Selection of thought lies over the interest and such interest changes into consistency and Mastery which brings enhancement of personality ultimately path towards the Self Optimization.

Your setting criteria of behaving will be challenged, crumbled and taunted but the inner robust spark if exists will getting more strength and reason to flare and shine. The thought of being courageous melts away if the outer force of discouragement allows getting in and placing the stain on internal soul. As being the original Soul, it gets out of sense to get replicated ideas or sympathy. The approach of embracing sympathy of relaxation is the initial stage of your weakness. Sympathy triggers when the accident or unexpected contingency takes place, but the unexpected and unavoidable moment needs to be accepted because of being uncontrollable nature rather gathering facts about judgmental participation in that particular accident.

Your happiness is alive until your actions are aligned with your desired objective otherwise compulsive behavior is nourished. Compulsive behavior will dim the spark of originality and creativity. You are the source code of your happiness, motivation, encouragement and success and contrast of all. The act of providing shadow to others is not replicated from other trees but the structure is responsible irrespective the rest behavior. However, the remaining have similar innate as well.

Reverting back to the life changing moment, the accidents or series of unaccepted courses are considered the source of modifications in behaviours. The capital transformation, creation, Innovation and destruction are the result of surprising, shocking, traumatic or unexpected happening but while tracking on the right path and sudden unexpected and uncontrollable happening should not be allowed to create space for distraction. Yes, the point of time, you have to grab the intensity of moment and respect it but the sustainability of that particular moment before the path of moving ahead or cause it the hurdle of restraining is capital sin for Life.


Your defining moment and more importantly personal judgment about such precious moment is necessary to be identified because the spark turns into fire which covers the entire soul with the concept of heated modification. The heated Modification means the psychological shift in thought with the courage to persist until the situation turns into the favor or something brighten comes out.

The myth of considering one as an ideal and blindly following his techniques or approaches demonstrates the cooking similar product or service and the intensity of personal fire creates limitation. Further, the sense of considering someone leader will keep the one always in the domain of follower. The ladder of greatness does not accomplish with already defined achievements but the it gets more lengthy and spacious if the success starts from the previous point of greatest act and new dimensions of working are introduced because boundaries are never fixed it can be stretched with the capacity of thinking and execution. Flow plays vital role to stretch the boundaries of dimensions because it absorbs the success into effortless mindset.

What is personal Defining Moment???????

Before communicating the thorough definition of defining moment, let’s have some tiny parts of it.

Defining moment should always be laid onto the positive foundation of modification.

It introduces personal and then social reforms.

It brings utmost clarity with focused objective.

It eliminates futuristic distractions and introduces hyper intensified stretching of concerned change.

It designs personal environment.

It is a reactive action or materialistic transformation of thought.

It is resulting of sudden present or slightly past moment.

It is a contemporary action or thought causes reactive or materialistic transformation of thought based upon positive futuristic modification with utmost clarity and elimination of distractions.

The beauty of defining moment is positivity because the slight addition of negativity as revenge or demonstration of conclusive achievement for specific moment will hamper the natural enhancement of thought. It is a moment of personal conquerment with such powerful extractive radiations that spill over the immeasurable surface with uncountable impacts. KARL MARX moment of realization regarding economic exploitation in Capital, Gandhi moment of realization about racism and Quaid-e-Azam moment of realization regarding division of Sub continent carry different geographical, environmental or emotional reasons.Meanwhile,all defining moments have eliminated the personal revenge but even compose the respective personalities for bigger, broader and transformational modification in personal thought and cause the lasting conclusive impacts across world.

Defining Moment does not consider the futuristic compulsions and calculated difficulties because the perpetual stagnant situation or structure needs hammering hits before slight dispositioning even. It directly causes the awaking thought till yet remains static and unthinkable if thinkable but not actionable. The defining moment brings the transformational Change in Visionary Perspective but incremental behaviourist modification because the materialistic transformation from intangible visionary approach works step by step. However, the sudden long jump would make the one disappointing because of not getting desirable visionary transformational change.


Life defining moment makes the world connected with the single objective and eliminates the universal external communication likewise criticism or even appreciation. The moments establishes the procedural centralised system of focus and does not think about every stage of habit formation as Cue, Cry, Response and reward or Decision, direction and determination. The process of converting thought to action just hinges upon the remembrance of such precious moment hence the directions get straighten, turns get smooth and destiny seems clear and accessible as life to death.

Before getting into the more depth of defining moment, make it reconnect with idealistic inner strength and conclude that while entering into such moment, the concept of distractions, demotivation and disappointment vanishes as Fog and every attempt towards the last mark while connecting path dots in case of failure would expand the horizon of Focus, ladder the inner Motivation and arise the sheer Hope. But such moment remains sole throughout the life or embracing to next one after meeting previous one. What if the moment could not be identified or appears? The answer lies upon the accomplishment and recognition of initial moment and leaving impacts upon the concerned area. The answer of Second assumption will be entertained at the last of chapter.

Defining moment would extend the skill of leadership. Leading people is the secondary stage of leadership and the primary task is to conquer oneself. Conquering oneself is the hardest course and taken for granted because human loves to throw judgmental remarks about rest and conceive this course as societal serving. Stephen R covey work on The 8th Habit slightly as being leader to be adopted for self conquering because the deliberate alignment between HEART, MIND, BODY, CONSCIENCE and Defining moment for the rest driven life would expel the extra-productive radiation and conclusion.

After being connecting with that particular moment, the communication gets assistance from logical analysis, verbosity scopes down; thought and course identify the convergent point, emotionalism proves strength with disciplined expression and the central point of execution blinks all the time. A slight distraction arise irritation and lead imbalance among all the factors. Hence, the attempt to reverse on track immediately takes place. However, the perspective of introvertness does not establish but the scope of communicative thoughts limits and the duration of Thinking, communicating, logical arguing and responding increases if the defined and desired results appear.

Dale Carnegie’s philosophy of twenty one and twenty four words in “HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING” has powerful controlling impacts of living in contemporary moments and buries the Past and Future. However, the power to personal communication and carpets the personal worries demands vigorous will power and commitment. Further, the personal deliberate attachment to nostalgia and the inner desire to get sympathy has been fashioned. The clarity over vagueness, facts over sentiments, concentration over distraction, focus over wandering, decision over procrastination, requires at least some thing, something that triggers thought process, something that marks away a dot of reaching, and something that draws conclusive and pragmatic fact brutal results.

“Something” surely be your moment, the moment of transformation which you might think and communicate curse for sympathetic behavior. Never let that moment slips away, just grip, evaluate and define.

One task at a time extracts from something as specific single defining moment.


While keeping the definition of defining moment, let’s identify.

Sitting into the relative gathering, the sudden statement for you in the context of anger bursting is communicated “you will be like your Father” would immensely encourage the sense of removing anger bursting mood.

After suffering losses in business, the creditor calls you and asks for sitting in his shop unless the payment is returned to him triggers the building criteria of investing in projects.

As DOCTOR seeing the mass deaths because of contagious disease realizes the imagination and resolution of the cause

As PROFESSOR, seeing the destruction of thousands of student just because of old methodology of teaching

 As FUEL ENGINEER working in Oil extracting company suddenly realizes the harmful impacts of Oil upon nature

Working as CORDINATOR in rigid and inflexible organization realizes the significance of flexibility and creativity

Playing as CRICKETER and continuously facing hard to play hook against bouncer would charge to become the best-hooking stroke

Desiring as to be ACTOR and perpetual refusal of giving chance but once intensive humiliation sparks the light of forever firing.

Inability to understand the foreign languages and hence could not get visa for most desiring country on the ground of respective language builds the defining moment to be expert in that particular language.

The argument of interest for particular driven path is necessary but remember the goal does not turn into belief unless the extraordinary hazard is faced which actually transform the interest into defining moment irrespective the motivational idealism and external assistance. Your interest is yours meanwhile your interest and incident is yours just to establish a life changing moment. Interest will also propel you towards concerned objectives but will not ignite the fire unless the moment arrives. Wait and then identify the moment.

The beauty of defining moment is to bring realities unto the surface and the fabricated theories about assumptions disappear. Your personal imaginative thinking on the ground of exaggerated emotional affiliation, illogical argument and merger with societal assertions shatters and produces no more realism and the introspective process kicks off. The sense of Hatred, grudge, egoism, vengeance and demonstration set aside because the convergence of all these creates distraction and spoilage. The distinction between defining moment and ordinary lies upon the thoughts wandering and ideas shifting along swing of moods and shorten lucrative benefits and permanent focused long term objective.


The multimillion question about most precious moment of life is who will decide about that particular impactful moment as Defining as the Internal modification due to external pressure, stress, expectation or External transformation on the ground of personal incessant failure. The moment is perceived, felt, determined and organized by the Will. The will of Transformational power and executional strength will perceive to organize and then execute the decision caused to be exercised for being defining in life. You will guard the external and internal influential thoughts and focus with the will of defining moment.

The social, emotional and financial environment is blessing specifically when it goes against the expectations and hopes. The social pressure, emotional weakness and financial shrinkage jolt to seek the solution of all. Here, will stimulates so, lights spark inside the considered curse which actually are blessing.

Seeking purpose is itself a wandering approach because the defining moment takes place without alarming the danger but the will if wants determine and select the purpose with happening repercussions. Conclusively, deciding about defining moment retains into the hand of Will and the environment which causes to stimulate the will.

Self Help 


If environmental circumstances go against the desired course, something bigger or broader to happen either the transformational positivity or the sense of procrastination and ignorance develops. In case of former happening, defining moment is gripped and latter, the hurdles continues and focus remain disperse. Hence, the all time urgency will exist rather than smoothness and calmness.


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